

更新时间:2024-06-05 11:05作者:佚名

(1)介绍一下你的家乡Introduce your hometown


My hometown is Datong, Shanxi. Datong has abundant coal resources (known as China ’s coal capital), a long history and culture (one of China ’s nine ancient capitals), numerous cultural relics (such as Yungang Grottoes, Xuankong Temple, Huayan Temple, etc.) and delicious places Food (shaved noodles, jelly, etc.), in recent years, Datong is pursuing transformation, attaching importance to green sustainable development, and promoting the progress of the tourism industry.

(2)介绍一下你的大学Introduce your university






I graduated from XX University, and it is a double first-class academic university.

Firstly, the school has a strong faculty. Rich activities and competitions give us opportunities for practical progress.

Secondly, the school has a strong learning atmosphere, and a large number of students go on to study.

Finally, the school's geographical location is superior, located in the postal area, and the employment options are wide.

In short, four years of college life has enabled me to learn professional knowledge, open my eyes, and meet some mentors and friends. This is the precious memory and wealth in my life.

(3)介绍下你的专业Introduce your major


My undergraduate major is educational technology, which aims to develop and use various learning resources to optimize education and teaching. This major is an applied and comprehensive subject. At university, we mainly studied the contents of three disciplines: computer technology, digital media technology, and education.

(4)你为什么选择我们学校Why did you choose our school




First of all,XX University is a double first-class university, which shows that your school has a good scientific research atmosphere and professional construction.

Secondly, my hometown is in Datong, Shanxi. It is convenient for me to attend school or work in Taiyuan to take care of my mother.

Finally, I think Taiyuan University of Technology can provide the platform and support I need. I also hope to use my learning to contribute to the development and construction of my hometown.

(5)你为什么跨专业(软件工程)Why are you inter-professional






My application is in the direction of software engineering, and the direction of adjustment is control engineering.

First of all, I took basic courses in computer software during my school years. During this process, I found myself very interested in this major.

Secondly, in order to further study this major, I self-taught to develop frameworks, participated in competitions and internships, which laid some foundation for my future study and project participation.

Finally, software engineering is to study and research engineering software development methods to make the development process more standardized, and its ideas can guide practice. I think this makes sense.

So I decided to cross the exam.